
American Society of Addiciton Medicine
Jan 31, 2025 Reporting from Rockville, MD
COSAM Supports Legislation Enhancing Parity Requirements for SUD Treatment
Jan 31, 2025

COSAM Supports Legislation Enhancing Parity Requirements for SUD Treatment.Substring(0, maxlength)

American Society of Addictin Medicine


COSAM Supports Legislation Enhancing Parity Requirements for SUD Treatment

On January 29, the Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine (COSAM) sent a letter of support for HB 25-1002 to members of the House Committee on Health and Human Services. This bill would strengthen parity requirements in state law and ensure that evidence-based treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) is covered by insurance.

In the letter, COSAM noted the importance of state governments and insurance departments in enforcing behavioral health parity. In turn, COSAM characterized HB 25-1002 as essential legislation to clearly define the components of parity in state law and empower state agencies with enhanced tools to oversee insurers. Notably, the bill requires that medical necessity determinations are made in accordance with criteria and guidelines from non-profit clinical specialty association standards, rather than other non-transparent criteria. Further, HB 25-1002 would restrict utilization reviews that are conducted not according to evidence-based criteria. COSAM highlighted the importance of both provisions which would reduce delays and disruptions in SUD care. In sum, COSAM praised HB 25-1002 as crucial to enhance parity protections for patients and providers engaging in SUD treatment.